April 12-14, 2025
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Join us as we welcome Amantha Murphy from Ireland! Explore the ancient Irish shamanic traditions in this 3-day workshop as Amantha shares the ways of the Celts, Goddess and the ancient Tuatha de Danann. The way of the Celtic Shaman is rooted deeply in tradition and allows us to walk between worlds-- recognizing the interconnectedness between all living beings.
The Shamanic tradition goes back over many thousands of years. Each clan or grouping of people held in reverence the Shamanic Way. This Way allows a person to walk between the worlds; recognizing the interconnectedness between all living forces both seen and unseen. Journeying into these worlds for healing, for answers, for visions, brings a sense of continuity, wholeness and integration for self and for the clan.
This workshop will cover:
We literally do ‘walk on the bones of our ancestors’ and carry with us their lessons, their pain and their joy. All that has not been released from our foremothers and forefathers are contained within our DNA, within our bones and blood and this plays itself out in all our realities. For many, we lose ourselves in our Dream World as a way of playing out those energies trapped within. Yet in retrieving our Selves, we stand within the frame of our Being and our Being stands within us. We are then ONE.
Workshop Times:
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
9:30AM to ~5:30PM
Fee: $650 lunch included.
Lodging Options Available:
Includes 2 nights lodging, 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts.
Cabin is heated & air conditioned and has electricity. Linens and towels are provided. Bathroom with shower is a one-minute walk from the cabin. An additional night stay can be added before or after $50/person shared cabin, $90/person private cabin (breakfast included).
October 11-13 , 2025
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
In this Advanced 3-day workshop:
We will explore the patterns we carry, in honor of our Ancestors, and look to see how they play out in our reality in the ‘here and now’. It is only in recognizing, working though, integrating and releasing the roots that no longer serve us, that we can indeed stand in our power and sovereignty – owning all that we attract as the experiences and therefore teachings in this life. We too are ‘ancestors in training’ and what and how we react or respond to what we have attracted to us, becomes the roots for future generations of our bloodline.
We will access where we are holding those patterns, both physically and energetically, and begin the process of Journeying into the pattern to release and clear the blockage being held there. This gives/gifts us the opportunity to live purely and clearly in the now – all actions, choices and difficulties/opportunities being recognised as part of our creation. Be-coming more conscious of how and what we create. This brings us into alignment with our Great Mother Earth, as we move within our own unique seasons of Self in harmony with the Earths seasons.
Moving into the Middle World we will move deeper into the Wheel of the Year and Journey on an Imramma. The Great Wheel reflects all of life’s growth – from conception to death, and we as a people, have honoured those times in our lives, throughout the ages. Much of that has been brought into the religions to accommodate the natural flow of ritual and ceremony that each one of us carries in our ancient memories. Here we begin to recognise and hold sacred those personal pivotal times in our own lives. As we take the Currach (spirit boat) across the great waters of life and consciousness, we connect within the betwixt and between.
Shamanic Healing and Cutting the Ties with situations and people that no longer feeds or supports us and ‘singing the Soul home’ - weaving back all that might have been dis-connected through experiences we’ve been through. Every experience we have is a part of our living Weave and we can often, without realising or not able to let go, hold onto those experiences or people OR feel held by those experiences or/and people. When we cut the ties – and sometimes reclaim or draw in those parts of ourselves that disconnected, due to pain, shock or hurt, we can then release without engagement. We are able then, to allow the experience or/and person/s to become part of our weave and not be determined by our story. In this way we grow and allow space for new and often conscious experiences to flow into our lives. We move into conscious creativity.
The Earth is our Mother and, just as we carry the DNA of our parents and ancestors, we carry too, Her DNA. We are made up of the Earth and the Stars. Our bodies are clothed with the earth, air, water and fire (just as our Earth is clothed in nature) and our spirit is imbedded with and from star energy. We are above and below. What happens to the earth is a reflection of us and how we become conscious and heal ourselves becomes part of Her. Imagine being awake within every moment of every day - to self, to nature around us, to the breath of our living Mother. Her breath – our breath. Take a breath, a slow long breath - take another breath and feel yourself coming back to self. We breathe in all that is carried upon the winds.
Imagine now choosing to breathe in all of what is being released by others and transmuting that consciously into light, life, connectedness and love within each outer breath. Imagine doing that so regularly that it becomes instinctive. Each time you imagine, you are creating into reality…. Imagine then, doing that with the earth; the waters; the fire – the Living Force of all Life. For that is who you are, a Conscious Breath of All Life.
Ancient Irish Celtic Shamanism with Amantha Murphy
Workshop Times:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
9:30AM to ~5:30PM
Fee: $650 lunch included.
Lodging Options Available:
Includes 2 nights lodging, 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts.
Cabin is heated & air conditioned and has electricity. Linens and towels are provided. Bathroom with shower is a one-minute walk from the cabin. An additional night stay can be added before or after $50/person shared cabin, $90/person private cabin (breakfast included).
October 17-19, 2025
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
We continue our journey together in the Middle world.
We will be focusing on how and if we create here in this Middle Realm and whether we are mainly, Dreamers, Weavers or Soul Singers. Plus we will be developing these tools to assist in consciously creating our reality.
We will be delving into how much energy we can loose through our engagement or/and investment with others.
Working on strengthening our Power Bodies so we can hold our entirety in all situations.
Journeying to the elementals in the Middle Realm and how we may work with them.
WOMEN’S MYSTERIES: Facilitating Rites of Passage with Ritual & Ceremony: Rites of passage are thousands of years old and have sustained and held the women before us for generations. They are pivotal points in our lives and it’s important not only to recognise but to honour this as it allows the soul to settle more easily into the here and now.
Ritual is the art of bringing an offering, an experience, an ache, a longing or loss - plus more - into the sacred.
Ceremony is marking an event within your community/family. We participate in ceremonies to celebrate certain Rites of Passage.
It is important to honour the experiences and times of transition in our lives, for bringing those times into the sacred allows us to recognise, realise, and release in a way that sits in nature to our being. This can be at pivotal times of change, pain, joy, sudden awareness, or release. Ritual can be performed on your own, or with one or a few of those close with you. When we honour these pivotal turnings in our lives we often shift through consciously and awaken to the expressive journey of our souls.
Pre-requisite: Irish Celtic Shamanism and Advanced Irish Celtic Shamanism Module II
Irish Celtic Shamanism and Advanced Irish Celtic Shamanism with Amantha Murphy
Workshop Times:
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
9:30AM to ~5:30PM
Fee: $650 lunch included.
Lodging Options Available:
Includes 2 nights lodging, 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts.
Cabin is heated & air conditioned and has electricity. Linens and towels are provided. Bathroom with shower is a one-minute walk from the cabin. An additional night stay can be added before or after $50/person shared cabin, $90/person private cabin (breakfast included).
Amantha Murphy is a Shamanic Teacher and Healer who follows the path of the Goddess. She started her spiritual work publicly in 1972 as a clairvoyant and moved into trance mediumship and healing within a few years. She developed many tools along the Way with her spirit and ancestral teachers guiding her, and continues to work with both individuals and groups, at home and internationally. She is a Mother of four and Grandmother of four, living in County Kerry, Ireland, working primarily with the Land, Seabhean Teachings, Rites of Passage, and Ancient Goddess Pilgrimages. Her passion is the Land and returning to HER story -- working through the Grandmothers, the “Shining Ones” - the Tuatha de Danann - and the Ancient Ones. She has been running Sacred Pilgrimages in Ireland since 1995.
“From my earliest memories my spirit guides have been my constant companions. The spirit and fairy realm was more real to me than this reality. I grew up spending my summers here in Kerry with my grandmother, a midwife and healer, who opened my awareness from an early age to the essence of the Mother, the Land -- and Her Nature. It was she who introduced me to the Sacred Way and places to commune with the Great Mother. I work primarily with the presence of the “Grandmothers”, the Way of the “Sidhe”, our Shining Ones, the Tuatha De Danann, my Ancestors and the Ancient Ones, our Stone People. Ireland had a rich culture of indigenous teachings before the coming of the first Celts and it is in accessing that and connecting again with our Ancient Ones that we bring about the deep healing and communion both within and around us. My work, my family, my loved ones, my passion for the Great Goddess and the Land -- this is what moves and feeds me. The Land is my Mother and she has held me for as long as I can remember.”
For more information about Amantha Murphy, please go to www.celticsouljourneys.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bEjKed5N-I&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Sc_ntBsrZE
A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your spot with the balance due 30-days prior to the event. You can use the link in the invoice to make the payment or payments over the year.
Refunds minus the $100 non-refundable deposit will be given until 30-days prior to workshop date. Refunds will not be given after that date. Exceptions are not made to this policy. No refunds are given for no-shows or non-completion of program.
The minimum number of participants for this course is 15 people. We reserve the right to cancel the course if this number is not reached. If we cancel, all monies paid will be refunded. The maximum number of participants is 28.
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