May 1-4, 2025
What will our course cover?
We will take our work with the runes to a more advanced level and work with rune staves, bind runes and sigils. We will also look at runic calendars, rune magic and runic codes (encrypted runes).
We will have a brief look at rune rows other than the Elder Futhark (some later rune rows have 9 additional runes) and make a brief foray into exotic topics such as Norse Love Magic and pre-Christian ways of solving crimes.
We will explore how early peoples moved around and how Seiðr & the Old Norse Traditions did not operate in a vacuum – there are influences from other places and directions that we need to be aware of.
We will revisit the Rune Circle and explore the roles of Auðhumbla, The Norns, Valkyries, Goddesses, Giantesses, Disir and Vǫlva and so forth (and see where we detect their presence in the runes!)
We will work on arriving at a personal Code of Ethics for all and any workings that affect people/sentient beings and places other than ourselves (all that makes up the Web of Wyrd).
Must have completed the Seidr Norse Shamanism Introduction Foundations Course (you can do the online version on Imelda's website).
Please bring your set of runes!
Workshop Times:
9:00 Thursday to 4:00 Sunday
Workshop will go into the evening hours.
Fee: $799, lunch & dinner included (no dinner Sunday).
Lodging Options
Commuter: no additional charge
Camp: $75
Shared Cabin Room: $150
Single Private Cabin Room: $270
Includes 3-nights lodging and breakfast.
Cabins have twin-beds with linen and towels provided. Cabin is heated & air conditioned and has electricity. Bathroom with shower a one-minute walk from cabin.
September 25-28, 2025
Old Norse peoples perceived the human soul in a very different way from the contemporary Western view as the soul as a separate entity. They viewed it as more porous and as also having ancestral and collective (kinship) dimensions.
In this module we will learn how to actively work with the Norse Anatomy of Soul: the seven (and possibly even more) parts of soul following the indigenous model of Northern Europe. We will do this by means of placing runes on a soul map.
Here is just one example from an essay I wrote on Substack:
The Old Norse word hugr refers to our cognitive function: thoughts, mind. This is also viewed as part of our soul. It can leave the body and go "walkabout". Often when a person sleeps, but a person with magical training can (of course) do this at will.
I did this a lot when my elderly mother was still alive: roam around (generally as a polar bear) to check on her. Students and clients also report (dream) visits fromNorse Love Magic and pre-Christian ways of solving crimes.
We will explore how early peoples moved around and how Seiðr & the Old Norse Traditions did not operate in a vacuum – there are influences from other places and directions that we need to be aware of.
We will revisit the Rune Circle and explore the roles of Auðhumbla, The Norns, Valkyries, Goddesses, Giantesses, Disir and Vǫlva and so forth (and see where we detect their presence in the runes!)
We will work on arriving at a personal Code of Ethics for all and any workings that affect people/sentient beings and places other than ourselves (all that makes up the Web of Wyrd).
Must have completed the Seidr Norse Shamanism Introduction Foundations Course (you can do the online version on Imelda's website).
Please bring your set of runes!
Workshop Times:
9:00 Thursday to 4:00 Sunday
Workshop will go into the evening hours.
Fee: $799, lunch & dinner included (no dinner Sunday).
Lodging Options
Commuter: no additional charge
Camp: $75
Shared Cabin Room: $150
Single Private Cabin Room: $270
Includes 3-nights lodging and breakfast.
Cabins have twin-beds with linen and towels provided. Cabin is heated & air conditioned and has electricity. Bathroom with shower a one-minute walk from cabin.
Canceled 2025
Join UK international author, teacher and artist, Imelda Almqvist, for this Sacred Art Workshop. Imelda Almqvist is the author of Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art meets Shamanism)
Course Description
Swans have always spoken to the human imagination. What does the hybrid nature of Swan Maidens teach us about ourselves (and I am speaking of both men and women here)?
Here are some questions to help you decide whether this course is for you:
· Have you found your wings in this lifetime or is there more work to be done to set yourself free and soar?
· Do you have a (secret) feathered cloak?
· Do you ever feel like a Hybrid, part human and part animal?
· Do you feel more at home in other worlds than in everyday reality?
In relationships we sometimes make sacrifices of our own free will (taking off our wild swan cloak, no longer flying wherever we want to) because we crave connection, togetherness, (and often children, who need stability). However, we can do that only for so long and after that our Swan Self urges us to reclaim ourselves and fly free.
This Call of the Wild can grow exceptionally strong at (or after) the menopause (or midlife crisis for men). But it can also arrive at other times of life, where we need to re-wild ourselves at all cost.
These are some themes our retreat will explore through making art, ceremony and the process of direct revelation!
This is a foundation level course in making sacred art. It introduces all the key principles of making sacred art (shamanic art, spirit-led art or spiritual art). We release our limiting beliefs. We step away from everyday or ego-led consciousness, into other worlds and into a very fluid way of working )where writer’s block, or being paralysed by a white canvas does not exist).
We will become a swan bone flute for spirit and reclaim our swan’s wings. We will invite the famous Swan Maidens of Old Norse cosmology to be our allies and otherworld teachers for this weekend. (Swan Maidens are Valkyries!)
This course involves three evenings of ceremonial work. You are invited to bring a ceremonial outfit (as well as art materials of choice). Bringing some swan or hybrid-related objects is good, but not essential!
Imelda Almqvist is the author of Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art meets Shamanism) and she invites you to read that book (and complete some chapter exercises) in preparation for this course. Oh and please start paying close attention to your dreams, before we meet. Keep a dream journal!
Workshop Times:
9:00 Friday to 4:00 Monday
Workshop will go into the evening hours.
Fee: $799, lunch & dinner included (no dinner Sunday).
Lodging Options
Commuter: no additional charge
Camp: $75
Shared Cabin Room: $150
Single Private Cabin Room: $270
Includes 3-nights lodging and breakfast.
Cabins have twin-beds with linen and towels provided. Cabin is heated & air conditioned and has electricity. Bathroom with shower a one-minute walk from cabin.
Canceled 2025
Join UK international author and teacher, Imelda Almqvist, for Seiðr/Fornsed & Norse Shamanism. This 4-day intense foundations introduction course covers a large field of spiritual and mystical traditions where we will explore the indigenous ancestral pathways and spiritual wisdom teachings of Northern Europe. See about Imelda:
A 4-day intense foundation course
This is the prerequisite for Imelda's
Seiðmaðr & Seiðkona 2 year program in Sweden (Forest School) and advanced Seidr Modules at the Golden Light Healing Centre in the US.
Seiðr (Siðr in Old Norse) is a word used in the Norse sagas that refers to a set of old Scandinavian magical practices. The Poetic Edda tells us that a mysterious woman called Gullveig (assumed to be the goddess Freyja incognito) went out in the world, as a Vǫlva, to teach the art of Seidr to human beings.
The word Seiðr is commonly associated with (or even translated as) “Norse Shamanism”. This is problematic because the word shamanism comes from Siberia and the Old Norse people did not have “shamans”. However, they did have the Vǫlva and Rune Magicians, as well as many folk practitioners skilled in various magical and healing arts. This body of magical work from the folk tradition is referred to as Trolldomr. If we define shamanism as using altered states of consciousness for powerful spirit work, then the Old Norse people certainly practiced “shamanism”.
This course offers an immersion and foundation in the sacred arts of the Vǫlva and Rune Magician (where we study and practice oracular work, make our own set of Elder Futhark runes, and learn how to perform divination work for others (and ourselves).
What will our course cover?
This course covers a large field of spiritual and mystical traditions: we explore the indigenous ancestral pathways and spiritual wisdom teachings of Northern Europe.
I teach this material in traditional ways, closely following both the ancient texts (meaning the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda and sagas) and the old Scandinavian traditions and folklore. I also teach this course with an academic and linguistic underpinning: I am fluent in Swedish (I also understand Norwegian and Danish) and I have a working knowledge of Old Norse. (My mother tongue is Dutch).
However, we can't all "become Vikings" and go live in Scandinavia! Therefore I aim to marry scholarship to the principle of personal revelation. (Meaning that we study the old material very closely but we also invite the gods, goddesses and inhabitants of the Nine Worlds to communicate with us directly and tell us how they wish to work with us in the context of the 21st century!)
We will explore the following things:
Yggdrasil and the inhabitants of the Nine Worlds
I will introduce Yggdrasil (the world tree that holds up the universe) and the inhabitants of all the Nine Worlds (gods, goddesses, Norns, Valkyries, dwarves, elves, giants etc.) and provide a map for exploring these worlds.
The Norse Sagas and Myths
We will explore Norse Creation Stories as well as the myths about the end of the world: Ragnarök or Ragnarøkkr (Old Norse; meaning Fate of the Gods or Twilight of the Gods).
The Norns
We will explore the workings of the Web of Wyrd and the role of the Norns in carving the destiny of all beings (even the gods!) We will look briefly at the concept of Changing the Weave, (this will be taken much further in the advanced module dedicated to working with the Norns).
Carving or creating our own set of runes
We study the runes, following the Norse order and names (not the Anglo-Saxon system!) and we carve or create a personal set of runes for divination and magical work. We explores what it takes (and what it means) to work as a rune magician in the 21st century.
We will also briefly look at sigils and traditional magical workings
Shapeshifting and Berserking
We do some exercises which offer a brief taste of this work.
We will touch upon the magical power of songs and speech and how they relate to the ancient art of poetry. The Old Norse Tradition was an oral tradition, many centuries before anything was written down!
We will perform an offering ceremony. Blogs are offering ceremonies to the gods, traditionally performed at particular times of the year (major festivals) but often also for personal or global reasons. We look at the roles of the goði and.gyðja (priest and priestess).
The Norse Gods and Goddesses
We meet the Norse gods and goddesses: their teachings, energy and unique character traits.
Human Roles
The roles of human beings in this cosmology: the Vǫlva (also Völva) as the ‘Sibyll’, Prophetess). The Godhiand Gydja: the local spiritual leaders and spirit workers.
The concept of the spiritual warrior in Norse Lore and the teachings of both Tyr and Odin
We study the principle of sacrifice made in return for spiritual (or societal) gain. Examples are Odin's Eye and Tyr's arm or hand.
Divination and Prophecy
We explore how seidr can be used for divination and oracular work.
High Seat Ceremony
We will perform a High Seat ceremony. Some people may have experienced a High Seat Ceremony introduced by American teachers with different personal backgrounds and varying levels of scholarship (and mastering Scandinavian languages - or not, as may be). I wish to make it very clear that the High Seat Ceremony we will perform is the traditional Scandinavian version as it has always been performed in local communities - not an Americanized interpretation of the sagas.
An open heart and sincere desire to engage with this material (no previous knowledge or experience is assumed).
A clean record of behaviour in class: meaning that you need to have a handle on your own issues and triggers, and you need to be willing to share time, space and resources in such a way that everyone gets the most from profound shamanic group process.
Some of the people you meet on this course may well become your community of kindred spirits, support network or even colleagues one day (if you decide to proceed into more advanced modules).
Workshop Times:
9:00 Thursday to 4:00 Sunday
Workshop will go into the evening hours.
Fee: $799, lunch & dinner included (no dinner Sunday).
Lodging Options
Commuter: no additional charge
Camp: $75
Shared Cabin Room: $150
Single Private Cabin Room: $270
Includes 3-nights lodging and breakfast.
Cabins have twin-beds with linen and towels provided. Cabin is heated & air conditioned and has electricity. Bathroom with shower a one-minute walk from cabin.
A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your spot with the balance due 30-days prior to the event. You can use the link in the invoice to make the payment or payments over the year.
Refunds minus the $100 non-refundable deposit will be given until 30-days prior to workshop date. Refunds will not be given after that date. Ex
A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your spot with the balance due 30-days prior to the event. You can use the link in the invoice to make the payment or payments over the year.
Refunds minus the $100 non-refundable deposit will be given until 30-days prior to workshop date. Refunds will not be given after that date. Exceptions are not made to this policy. No refunds are given for no-shows or non-completion of program.
The minimum number of participants for this course is 15 people. We reserve the right to cancel the course if this number is not reached. If we cancel, all monies paid will be refunded. The maximum number of participants is 28.
Imelda Almqvist is an international teacher of Sacred Art and Seiðr/Old Norse Traditions (the ancestral wisdom teachings of Northern Europe). So far she has written four non-fiction books and two picture books for children. Natural Born Shamans: A Spiritual Toolkit for Life (Using shamanism creatively with young people of all ages) in 201
Imelda Almqvist is an international teacher of Sacred Art and Seiðr/Old Norse Traditions (the ancestral wisdom teachings of Northern Europe). So far she has written four non-fiction books and two picture books for children. Natural Born Shamans: A Spiritual Toolkit for Life (Using shamanism creatively with young people of all ages) in 2016, Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art Meets Shamanism) in 2019, Medicine of the Imagination - Dwelling in Possibility (an impassioned plea for fearless imagination) in 2020 and North Sea Water In My Veins (The Pre-Christian spirituality of the Low Countries) was published in June 2022.
The Green Bear is a series of picture book for children, aged 3 – 8 years. The stories and vibrant artwork, set in Scandinavia, invite children to explore enchanting parallel worlds and to keep their sense of magic alive as they grow up.
Imelda has presented her work on both The Shift Network and Sounds True. She appears in a TV program, titled Ice Age Shaman, made for the Smithsonian Museum, in the series Mystic Britain, talking about Mesolithic arctic deer shamanism.
Imelda is currently working on a handbook for rune magicians (about the runes of the Elder Futhark) and on more books in the Green Bear Series. Imelda runs an on-line school called Pregnant Hag Teachings, where all classes she teaches remain available as recordings, which can be watched any time!
Imelda's Website:
YouTube Channel:
Online School:
Twitter: @ImeldaAlmqvist
To get started!
Blog about the Elder Futhark and Uthark
Video: Chanting the Runes of the Uthark
(22) Menglöð and the Nine Maidens of Lyfjaberg 2017 Imelda Almqvist Art Video - YouTube
Video: A Rune Stone and Runic Inscription in Sweden
Utiseta at Uppsa Kulle grave mound
“It is not just the profound experiences, rich content and comprehensive material that makes Imelda’s Introduction to Norse Shamanism course so exceptional; it is also the community that is woven into being amongst the participants that makes this retreat so impactful. I return often to my notes, not only as a reference for my practice, but as a way to tap back into that rare and magical essence we birthed as a group that week. Imelda is a strong and articulate teacher, generous with her knowledge and facilitates these ancient practices in a safe and supportive environment. Her willingness to come to the US to share this wisdom is a gift, and I eagerly anticipate her future teachings.” -Shana Kestrel, US,
Thank you for the great experience at Pendle Hill this March. Our whole group appreciated the depth of wisdom and passion you have for Norse Shamanism! This was my second workshop with you and I am looking forward to the next. I encourage anyone with an interest in Shamanism to attend a workshop in person with you.-Rick Jurvis, Wisconsin
The Introduction to Norse Shamanism course with Imelda Almqvist exceeded my expectations! She is a natural teacher, cares deeply about her students absorbing the material and ensures everyone's voice is heard. She is extremely well researched and her passion for keeping the Northern Traditions alive in their truest form is contagious. If you are curious about your ancestral lineage or Norse Cosmology I highly recommend this course! -Amber Wientzen, San Diego
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